ASTOT 2024 was held at the QT on the wonderful Gold Coast and we were excited to have 84 attendees on site including our wonderful sponsors and engaging speakers.Tethered Oral Tissues in Tots and Beyond was the theme of our 2024 Conference and our Speakers did an exceptional job of covering important topics and educating delegates across the two days.
We had 4 Oral Presentation spots for our Abstract submissions with presenters given 15 minutes on Friday to present their work and this led to additional conversations and learnings throughout our Poster session on Saturday afternoon.
We also had 9 ‘Lightening Talks’ whereby our Abstract Presenters were given 5 minutes to present their studies on the Saturday and it was great to see all the data and findings presented to attendees.
Our conference was a great continuation of building our relationships and networks with our International Colleagues including New Zealand, Singapore and Indonesia. In the sharing of research and clinical experiences, ASTOT 2024 identified areas where we can work together to learn and support optimal outcomes in families and individuals affected by tethered oral tissues.
We hope our guests are already practicing their learnings back in their workplaces and we are looking forward to what 2025 will bring!
The ASTLiT 2022 Symposium was a resounding success, and we would like to extend our gratitude to all those who attended. It was a pleasure to see everyone come together once again and share their latest research and findings. We would also like to express our appreciation to all those who contributed to the event. Their dedication and hard work were instrumental in bringing this symposium to fruition. Additionally, we would like to thank our sponsors for their support in making this event possible in Canberra. We look forward to seeing everyone again at our next symposium.